after losing my mojo, i decided not to bother with the loneliness anymore. so, i decided to work my ass off. last time i looked though, it was still there, but one thing i can say is that, it's been to where it's supposed to be. haha.
the baby boss made my february one hell of a month. i heart you, boss!
left the PI before 1am on the 6th of feb.
after 9 hours, this is breakfast in dubai.

i arrived at the DXB airport on dimple's birthday, feb 6, 6AM local time. we had 2 hours to kill, so we ate for 2 hours. haha. got on a plane around 10am, but got delayed for an hour, so after 8 hours, we finally made it to frankfurt at 1pm local time.
no snow!

oh, well, too bad for the pinay so hungry for snow.LOL.
dimple and me, we were like happy campers, so we went out in search of the longchamp store. it was rather windy that day...

...but the birthday girl was determined to find her bags!

this is dimple in her 'changeling' hat. and the sun, too!
and we made it to the ziel...


great for fixing your hair,too!


the leaning thing. no sign of longchamp yet.
awww! closed at 8PM!

and getting lost the first night. we missed our stop because we got on the wrong train! lol. and it was COLD.

hello?anyone there? kulang na lang,mag hoot ang owls hehe.

sleepy now. will continue tomorrow.