Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Kissing you as you lie sleeping
Gently with you in your slumber
Your face is the picture of contentment
My angel's dreaming, my angel's dreaming

And I'm so happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you

Opening your wondrous eyes on me
Green and glorious in the morning sun
This moment, what could be more precious?
May it live forever, may it live forever

So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you

Smiling on me your love gives me all the blessings of this new day
The heat in your skin caresses my senses in sucha glorious way

I'm so happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you
So happy wit'you

softly by lamb


runny nose today.

things to do these coming weeks:

1. host rotary's party on saturday

2. help mum cook for the rotary party

3. think about the christmas eve menu

4. shop for ingredients for a gazillion california maki and tuna maki

5. make the gazillion maki

6. paint

7. photgraph paintings

8. email clients

not in order though, kya magulo list ko. wala lang.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

busy week?!! i'll help you photograph ur paintings... :D